The regime white cheese: a regime express to lose 2 pounds in a week

The regime white cheese: a regime express to lose 2 pounds in a week

You want to lose weight by eating dairy products? You may have heard of yoghurt regime but do you know the regime white cheese? This regime express will allow you to lose weight easily in just a few days and this while enjoying your favorite curds are then drained. Discover this program thinness effective, simple and without constraint.

What is the regime white cheese?

The diet of white cheese is a restricted diet in the short term (one week maximum) which is to focus all of your power supply on the consumption of a food essential to lose weight: the white cheese.

Although the food center of this diet is the white cheese, it must also accompany him in a balanced diet to lose weight quickly, consisting inter alia of vegetables low caloric and fruit thinness.

To enliven the taste of your diet, you'll have the opportunity to mix your white cheese with spices (paprika, chili, curry etc. ) or herbs (thyme, rosemary, chives, parsley etc. ). In order to lose weight quickly and efficiently, it will, of course know resist temptations and avoid sugary drinks or food sales.

How the market regime white cheese? 

As any restricted diet to lose weight, the main objective of the scheme white cheese is to feed themselves by swallowing the least possible of calories and fats. This is possible by limiting the quantities of food and choosing foods that are thin, whose white cheese is part.

The aim is to succeed to keep this rate without having hunger so that your body is simply to find his energy by burning the reserves of existing fats which are located in the impact strips of the belly, in the thighs, the buttocks and the other parts of the body or the cellulite tends to accumulate.

Why the white cheese fact loss diet?

The white cheese is effective for losing weight because it is low in fat and calories but it is also rich in proteins which gives him the properties cut hunger. The proteins help to feel satisfied longer so it was less like to eat. There are elsewhere of hyperproteines regimes which font loss diet based on this principle. The proteins allow on the other hand to feed your muscle tissues.

The white cheese also contains vitamins B, D and A, which are crucial to keep the coup and limit a little the effect of fatigue that one may have when it follows a regime.

It should also be noted that the concentration of calcium of the white cheese is an additional aid in your weight loss. Certainly, the calcium allows a strengthening bone as everyone knows but it would also a metabolism faster fats according to an American study conducted on a fifties woman of 18 to 31 years. (The effects of calcium on weight loss remain however to qualify).

Although the calorie content of the white cheese varies its percentage of butterfat, You will need to focus on a white cheese to 0 % fat during your regime because it contains only 45 kcal per 100 g rather than a white cheese to 20 % fat which contains nearly double (80 kcal per 100 g).

In how much time can you lose weight with the regime white cheese?

A rapid weight loss and almost immediate can be obtained by the regime white cheese, due to its calorie content very restrictive. You will begin to lose weight by the end of the first day. The ideal to be able to compare to is to weigh the evening, the eve before you begin the regime and to reweigh the next day at the same time in order to encourage you in light the positive results obtained by you.

You can do the diet of white cheese for 3 days, 5 days and up to one week. Everything will depend on your motivation and your ability to withstand your hunger.

The regime white cheese: a regime express to lose 2 pounds in a week

The regime white cheese is very low in calories, it is therefore provided for a short period. It is very important not to extend more than a week under penalty of exposing themselves to physiological problems related to certain nutritional deficiencies.

How many kilos can you lose with a regime white cheese? 

You can lose 2 pounds in a week and general we recorded a loss of weight of 500 grams of the first day.

You will succeed without doubt more easily to you impose a draconian regime at the beginning because the majority of people having tested the regime white cheese said having more ease to control their hunger the first day.

That nevertheless remains qualified as a not insignificant number of people have more difficult to resist the temptations the first 2 days and then once this cape past, feel more at ease to contain the low calorie intake of this scheme which allows you to lose weight quickly.

It is possible to lose 2 kilos in 3 days but it is necessary to have an extreme motivation to continue this diet express more strictly limiting the add-ins that come in parallel of the white cheese.

What are the benefits of the scheme to base of white cheese?

He is party regimes of rapid and effective. This is because it is low in calories and low in fat.

It is a regime easy, convenient, and without too many logistical constraints. You do not need to calculate the calories from your food or to count the points as with other programs thinness.

This is a regime that is very well to those who do not like, who do not have the time or who do not know cooking. It is simple, it is sufficient to essentially eat white cheese to all meals during 3 to 7 days.

The high levels of protein and calcium are beneficial. First of all, these are two essential nutrients for the body. On the other hand, proteins help to maintain the muscle mass and thus to avoid to lose weight by losing your muscles.

What are the disadvantages of the scheme to the white cheese?

There is a deficit of nutrients because of the lack of variety of food. It is for this reason that this scheme must not exceed a few days. It is therefore preferable to ask the advice of your doctor. It may be a good idea to take food supplements to cope with these shortcomings.

Fatigue and lack of energy. The regimes at low calories are known to cause fatigue or dizziness in the extreme cases. It is good form to follow this diet in holiday period rather than when you are working.

He must love the dairy products and in particular the white cheese. This scheme is very restrictive in the choice of food so it can be experienced as surly and can be annoying to have to always eat the same type of food at every meal.

It is a scheme which allows you to lose weight quickly but little. It is therefore not intended to those or those who want to lose 10, 20 or 30 kilos. It should be more to people who have 1, 2 or 3 kilos to lose on the hips, belly, buttocks, or thighs.

Menus: what can you eat with a regime in white cheese?

Menu of 3 days

breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee black without sugar, a bowl of white cheese, a slice of bread complete grid and not to forget a grapefruit. Lunch: white cheese combined with the whole wheat bread and a grapefruit

Dinner: Vegetable Salad, a bowl of white cheese and a grapefruit.

Menu 5 days

breakfast: black tea or coffee without sugar and 100 grams of white cheese with a seasoning of your choice.

Snack: a salad of boiled eggs, tomato and vegetable salad with seasoning of your choice.

Breakfast: An apple or 2 citrus fruit. Evening: 100 grams of white cheese combined with the paprika and slices of cucumber or any vegetable green.

Dinner: fruit of your choice for a low carbohydrate content.

The regime white cheese: a regime express to lose 2 pounds in a week

A menu to follow on a day if you want to change flavors

breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, 1 slice of bread unleavened, 1 tablespoon of white cheese mixed with 1 teaspoon of herbs freshly chiselled, 1 Hard-boiled egg

Snack: 1/2 grapefruit

Lunch: 150 g of white cheese mixture to 1/2 yoghurt 0 %, 1 tablespoon of white onion, capers, parsley, chives, 200 g of celery in branch cooked, 1 Slice of bread unleavened bread with a little margarine lite

dinner: 100 g of white cheese mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey, 1/2 yoghurt 0 %, 1/2 lemon juice, 1/4 pineapple

You can also make your own blends with your white cheese in order to make you more pleasure. You can add, for example, arrays or a fishing to white cheese for you constitute a delicious meal. You can also make you a smoothie for your breakfast by adding bananas, strawberries to your white cheese. 
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