Chest muscles: a breastplate bigger than the other!! Exercises and tips

Chest muscles: a breastplate bigger than the other!! Exercises and tips
Yes, it is normal to have a breastplate bigger than the other. It is a question of posture.
Among the majority of people, who are right-handed, the right shoulder is reduced toward the front. Consequently, the breastplate right is less prominent, because it is contracted. Also, because of its position, the breastplate right will be least solicited the exercises in developed (example: bench press), because the shoulder is in a position of strength.

Exercises and Tips It is

possible to do stretching exercises and strengthening to try to restore the balance between the two breasts, except that this is usually not very effective. It is not because the posture is more controlled by the vision and by other systems more or less unconscious. Thus, even if, in our example, the breastplate right was stretched, it will resume its position contracted if the posture is not corrected.

Developed layer tilted

Purpose of the exercise

this exercise workout is an exercise in database which allows you to work the chest. The tilt of the bench made bear the stress on the upper part of the chest but also on the anterior part of the deltoid (front of shoulders). More the bench will be inclined, more the shoulders will be solicited.
The use of free weights allows you to work in a more large amplitude that with the bar and need more activity at the level of the stabilizer muscles. It is advisable to start your workout the chest muscles through exercises slanted if the clavicular part (top of the pectorals) is a weak point.

Target Muscles 

He sought the muscles of the trunk, mainly the large and the small breastplate, the anterior deltoid, triceps. Other muscles are involved to maintain balance.

Execution of the exercise

folder is set to an angle of about 30 to 60 degrees. If you use the free weights, start standing with two dumbbells in hand, and then sit down in the posing on the thighs. This allows you to avoid picking them up to Earth with all the risks that this entails for the dos. Starting Position of the exercise gym, lying on the bench of developed layer tilts, the dumbbells against the shoulders, hands in pronation and feet elevated by a shim, for that the lower back is not cambre. Slowly raise and lower the dumbbells without lock in high position and you stop in low position. At the end of the series, recover and install the dumbbells on the thighs.


Inhale when lowering the bar or dumbbells and breathe out when you return to the starting position of outstretched arms.
It is not advisable to block the breathing during the difficult phase, but this maneuver allows you to stabilize the torso and provides a solid basis for the muscles of the shoulders and the chest. Exhale after past the critical point, to lower the pressure caused by the respiratory blockage.

It must be that the descent is done slowly under control by ensuring not to descend too low for not stresser too the articulation and tendons.
If you are working with a heavy bar, it must be that a Partner assist you because you can be blocked under the bar. Use the free weights if you do not have a partner workout. The legs should be elevated using a shim or posed on the rack to dumbbell for the bottom of the back rest well in contact with the bench. Sit in asking the dumbbells on your thighs to avoid picking up to Earth with all the risks that this entails for the dos.

We can make of the benchpress tilted by using free weights or a bar. There are also machines in the halls of weight machines such as the Smith machine. Some practitioners complete the movement by bringing the dumbbells, hands face-to-face using a rotation of wrist, in the aim of more seek the sternal portion of the pectorals, that is to say the inside of the chest. The benchpress tight grip with elbows turned out of the body also seems to be making more bring the work on the inside of the chest muscles (furrow sternal) as well as on the triceps. These two exercises can be interesting for the people who complain of having the outside of the pectorals too developed by report to the interior.

Departs from layer tilted
Aim of the exercise 

This exercise gym is an exercise of isolation that allows you to work the upper part of the chest (part clavicular).  It minimizes the intervention of the shoulders (anterior deltoid) and does not request the triceps. Usually this exercise gym is placed at the end of the meeting of pectorals as movement of finishing after the heavy exercises for the earth. The charges free foster the development of the muscle compared to the weight machines because one must stabilize the weights. Target Muscles

it sought the large breastplate (upper part), the anterior deltoid and other muscles that are involved to maintain balance.

Execution of the exercise:
The folder is set to an angle of about 30 degrees. Starting Position lying on the bench tilted, two dumbbells in hand, the outstretched arms and feet elevated using a shim. Lower the dumbbells above the level of the shoulders, bending the elbows to a constant angle. The elbows do not go lower than the chest in the descent. Return to the starting position.


Inhale when lowering the dumbbells and breathe out when you return to the starting position. The breathing must be fluid.

Safety Instructions 

Take less cumbersome than that in developed inclined dumbbell.
It must be that the descent is done slowly under control by ensuring not to descend too low for not too stresser the articulation and tendons. The elbows do not go lower than the chest in the descent to avoid excessive stress on shoulders. Elevate the feet using a shim to the bottom of the dos is not cambre. The LUMBARS must remain glued to the bench.


can be made of discarded layers tilted by using free weights or two low pulleys. There are also machines in the halls of weight machines that reproduce the movement.

Developed layer

Goal of Exercise 

This exercise workout developed the chest. The benchpress is an exercise in base, poly-articular which involves two joints, the elbow and the shoulder and which allows you to work the whole of the bust and not just the breasts. This is one of the movement which allows you to evaluate the muscular strength of the upper limbs and which is used in tests of strength athletic.


he sought the muscles of the trunk, mainly the large and the small breastplate, the anterior deltoid, triceps. Other muscles are involved depending on the way to perform the exercise, to take position and maintain the balance as the large dorsal, the large serrated, the muscle of the arm brachial caraco, the glutes, the lumbar and abdominal.

Execution of the exercise 

Starting Position lying on the bench of developed layer. The bar asked on the brackets is located at the level of the eyes. Place the hands on the bar by pronation, excluded from a distance slightly greater than the width of the shoulders. Bend the legs and fold down for having the lumbar well glued to the bench and not that back bend down the spine. You can also install the feet on the edge of the bench or flat on the ground for more balance but it will then monitor the curvature of the lower back.
Unhook the bar brackets and secure arms outstretched. It was then located at the level of the top of the breasts. Lower the load slowly in the controlling up to touching the breasts (nipples), and then the back up to the initial position. Note that the movement of the benchpress is not strictly vertical. Refit the bar gently on the brackets with the help of the partner.

Inhale during the descent of the bar and exhale when you go back to the starting position.
It is not recommended to block breathing during the difficult phase, nevertheless this maneuver allows to stabilize the bust and provided a solid basis for the muscles of the shoulders and the chest. Exhale after passing the difficult phase, to lower the pressure caused by the respiratory blockage.


If you work with heavy loads, it is necessary that a partner assists you because you can be blocked under the bar and hurt you seriously see stay there. If nobody can assure you, are working with dumbbells.

There are several possibilities for placement of the legs. In here are three:

bend the knees and cast off the legs to have lumbar well glued to the bench and do not arch your lower back. This position can cause balance problems at the beginning.
Bend the legs and put both feet on the edge of the bench, which allows to limit the camber of the lower back and to have a correct balance.
Put both feet flat on the floor for balance, but it will then monitor the camber of the lower back, contract the abdominal muscles and do not take off the buttocks. If you peel off the buttocks during the concentric phase, you highlight the camber of the lumbar region and create significant pressure at the level of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. This can lead to pinching of disks and Herniated discs.

For the taking of the bar, two possibilities:

If you break your wrist, the bar is then in the Palm of the hand, the thumb should be under the bar so that it rests on the axis of the front arm.
If you do not break the wrist, thumb should not be under the bar to avoid especially that it slips, eludes you hands and minimize the tensions at the level of the articulation of the wrist (wrist compression).

Down the bar slowly without the bouncing dangerously on the cage chest.
Do not change position during the execution of the exercise. We often see practitioners writhe in half to get to finish their series.


Can make the bench press using dumbbells or a bar, flat bench, inclined or declined. There are also machines in the gyms or you work sitting or standing as the Smith machine. They can be an alternative to the developed lying at the free bar.
It is possible to carry out the exercise with the elbows along rather than discarded body as on the demonstration. This will focus work on the front of the shoulders.
More on closer hands, more triceps will be solicited. Note that taking tight, elbows away from the bust is more the sternal part (inside of the chest).
You can move the bar towards the neck, this will seek over the upper part of the chest

Purpose of fiscal
everyone already practiced this exercise for strength training at least once, this is a classic of the genre, that allows to work across the bust.


he seeks primarily the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and triceps. Other muscles involved to maintain balance including the abdominals.


Starting Position to the ground, hands spacing greater than the width of the shoulders. Get off the bust up to graze the floor with the head, keeping the abdominal muscles under tension. Return to the starting position.


inhale on the way down and exhale when you return to the start position


keep the abdominal muscles under tension during the movement for not arch at the level of the lumbar (sheathing).


Several variants of this weight training exercise are possible. It is possible to:
ask knees on the ground to make the exercise less difficult. If you are not yet able to make pumps, this trick will facilitate the exercise and you can later upgrade to the standard version.
Bring the hands for more seek the triceps and the inside of the chest (sternal part). The exercise is then much harder and triceps are put to the test.
Raise the feet for more wear work on top of the chest. You can place your feet on a support
the exercise with a single arm well pulling legs to maintain balance. This version is particularly difficult because any weight then rests on a single arm. Warm yourself with a few long series of pumps before upgrading to the version an arm.

Coated Ecarte

Purpose of the exercise

bodybuilding exercise is the same as the discarded lying on bench inclined except that here the bench is flat. This is an isolation exercise which allows to work the chest muscles. It minimizes the intervention of the shoulders (anterior deltoid) and does not solicit the triceps.


he seeks the pectoralis major, the deltoid muscle anterior and other muscles involved to maintain the balance.


Lie on a flat bench and start the outstretched arms exercises. Up and down the dumbbells realizing shifts arcs ensuring to stop until the dumbbells touch to keep the chest muscles under tension. Flex the elbows of a constant angle during the journey of the movement. Be sure to keep your back glued to the bench and not excessively arch. You can cross the legs and fold on you to do this easily, but it is also possible to put both feet on the edge of the bench or floor if you properly manage your camber.
Not extremely low down to avoid too much stress to the shoulder joint.


inhale during the descent of the dumbbells and exhale when you return to the start position


EC are the same instructions as for the lying discarded on inclined bench with dumbbell. Should take less heavy than the dumbbell bench, down slowly, not too low and under control.

Variants can be coated eCards using dumbbells or two low pulleys. There are also machines in the gyms that mimic the movement. This exercise can be replaced by the pec-deck to the machine.

Pec - Deck

Purpose of the exercise

bodybuilding exercise seeking pectorals. This is an isolation exercise which limits the intervention of other muscles. It allows to work on large amplitude.


muscles solicited during the movement are the pectorals, anterior deltoid, the brachial Camisole and the large serrated. It affects both the upper and lower part of the pectoralis major.

Muscle sensations are worn on the outside when taking back arms very back and on the inside (sternal) when is strongly tightened the arm against the other.
It comes on this movement to a horizontal adduction of the arms (they are approaching one another) under the action of the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and coraco brachial. At the same time the scapula moves and moves away from the column under the action of the small breastplate and the large serrated to allow the arm to move forward.


First start by adjusting the height of the seat so that the joints of the shoulder and elbows form a right angle (90 ° C). Sit well right by pasting your lower back against the folder. Grasp the wrists and place the front arm against the media. The easiest is to grasp a handle, bring it toward you and then grab the other handle. This avoids to vulva. The knees are bent and feet flat on the floor, spread the wide shoulders. Move the wrists against the other while breathing out. Return to the starting position.


breathe by separating the handles of the other. Exhale by bringing the handles against each other during the concentric phase.


It not only takes the elbows or too back when you return to the starting position, as this stress strongly to the shoulder joint. Limit the amplitude depending on your flexibility.
The back must remain in support against the backrest. Carry out the movement in a slow and controlled manner for good feeling chest work.


some weight-lifting machines to keep the arms parallel to the ground (arms outstretched, elbows slightly bent). This is an equivalent to coated eCards dumbbells but on machine exercise.

The Dips

purpose of the

Dips or repulsions parallel bars is a basic weight training exercise, poly-articulaire which allows to work across the bust. If this exercise is too difficult even impossible to achieve, you can begin with the dips between two benches. Once the exercise is mastered, go to the parallel bars with the weight of the body. Later, you can even hang a weight around the waist to add difficulty to the exercise.


he seeks the pectorals, anterior deltoid, triceps, back (latissimus dorsi), trapezes, abdominal and many others. It is the upper body squat!


Starting Position between the parallel bars spread about 60 cm, knees bent and upper body leaning forward. Down until the arm is parallel to the ground, and then return to the starting position without lock joints.


inhale on the way down and exhale when you go back to the starting position

Safety instructions:

down gently, smoothly, as low as your flexibility allows but without exaggeration, as this stress to the shoulder joint. Replace when your arms are parallel to the ground. Your feet must not touch the ground; simply bend the legs if you are too low. In the middle of the chest pain, which may occur during the dips come from the sternum and are very common among young people whose growth is not complete.


If you don't have equipment to perform this exercise for strength training, and well we will find you! It is possible to make dips:
with two chairs, assuming two towels on amounts to avoid harm to hands during the series. You can ask cast iron rings on the seats for more stability.
A bar rest or a position in sipd as the PT800. The bar at Decathlon RBR rest can also be used to make dips for the squat.
With Trestles that can be adjusted in height. You will find at Castorama for some EUR (Tretix). They can also serve as rest bar for the squat and other exercises.
Between two tables, if they are at the same height. Otherwise, use a directory or a dictionary to adjust.
A corner of balcony will also do the trick. It is with the dips on my balcony that I have the best sensations.

For weighted dips, sensations and muscle work will be different depending on where you place the ballast. You can place the load to the waist, hooked on the foot or around the neck. The more you'll be leaning forward, more work will focus on the chest. If the upper body remains vertical, it will seek especially the triceps. In both cases the anterior deltoid (before shoulders) will be highly sought.

The dips between two banks remain a good choice for beginner unable to achieve a single repetition to the classic dips. It was my case when I started bodybuilding.
Can also adjust the difficulty by varying the height of the support for the feet.
Start with the feet on the ground, and it increases the difficulty by placing feet above. Alternatively, lester bodybuilding exercise by placing discs on the thighs, but it need a partner to ask and remove the discs between the series.

Pulley towards

purpose of the

fitness exercise is an exercise in isolation for the chest. It uses a machine with two high pulleys connected to two handles. The intervention of the shoulder in the movement is reduced and triceps zero.
Usually this bodybuilding exercise is used to congest the chest and place rather at the end of the meeting as the movement of finishing after heavy exercise for the mass.


he seeks primarily the pectoralis and anterior deltoid. You can sit at the end of the movement to more to solicit the inside of the chest (sternal part).

Execution of fiscal

standing start between the two pulleys, bust leaning slightly forward Position and the two handles in the hands. Bring back the handles forward contracting the pectorals. To return to the starting position, keep the constant angle of flexion of the elbows.


breathe pulling the arms in and out by bringing the handles one against the other.


do not put too heavy on this bodybuilding exercise. Not too high back pulling the arm as this stress to the shoulder joint.


can perform this exercise bodybuilding standing, sitting or on an inclined bench. Many variations are possible to touch different parts of chest.
Can replace this exercise by lying eCards or of pec-deck.  

The sweater

purpose of the

This exercise gym is often placed in the meeting of pectorals, yet if we touch the large breastplate during the execution, one realizes that it rather relaxed while the large dorsal (muscle of the dos) is very contracted. The pull over therefore seek rather the dos. The subject of development thoracic thanks to pull over is very controversial. There are those who say that it is purely impossible, that we can act on the rib cartilage after a certain age and others who have found by experience that in doing this exercise workout in good dose, there has been development of their rib cage. Of course it must be well done and combine it with the activities of type cardio-training for work the breath and develop stamina. The squat also allows to improve the capacity cardio-pulmonary and thoracic volume because we force the breathing.

Target Muscles  

He solicited the trunk, mainly the latissimus dorsi muscles. Other muscles involved in the movement as the triceps, pectorals, the large serrated and abdominals.


Starting Position lying on the flat bench, a dumbbell in the hands, elbows slightly bent, knees are bent and the thighs brought on their stomachs to avoid arch your lower back. Lower the load up inspiring and then return to the starting position.


Breathe down the dumbbells and out by returning to the starting position. Should focus you on breathing and not load.

Safety instructions do not use heavy loads on this bodybuilding exercise
Use two clips from each side of the adjustable dumbbell for extra security because cast iron rings can slip and fall on your face.
Cross the legs and bring them back to the bust can have lower back constantly in contact with the bench and avoid's arch.
The dangerous part of the exercise for the shoulder joint is located when the arms are parallel to the ground, very backward. We must well you warm up before and not heavy work. We can notice an improvement in the flexibility of the shoulder that comes with practice.


can run the exercise of strength across the bench, but once the version classic mastered.

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