Lower your cholestérol thanks to fibres

Lower your cholestérol thanks to fibres

Oats, barley and psyllium are rich in soluble fiber that helps lower your cholesterol. Barley and oats contain beta-glucan soluble fibre can help lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) by preventing it from being absorbed into the blood. Psyllium, found in the form of grain and fiber supplements, can lower your LDL by causing an increase in the secretion of bile, the digestive fluid in which cholesterol is processed.


Okay, maybe not with your oatmeal. But drink each day a glass of tomato juice: this is full of lycopènes, a nutrient capable of réduire your production of LDL cholestérol Persons having drank a glass and a half of tomato juice and mangé two cuillerées at soup of ketchup per day for three weeks they have seen in their average rate of LDL decrease of 8.5 %, of après a étude publiée in the British Journal of Nutrition. Make sure you choose the tomato juice and ketchup poor in salt, the sodium étant likely to hike your voltage.


This sixty hours per week job that you can send you to the emergency room. In a study published in the journal Stress, researchers have measured the rate of cortisol, the stress hormone, present in hair samples taken from 56 men having been hospitalized for a heart attack and 56 others having been for other reasons. During the three months preceding the test, heart attack victims had higher levels of cortisol by one third to those of the control group. 'We live in a highly stressful world,' said John Ratey, a Clinical Associate Professor Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. People want to do still more. 'If stress makes the head spin, climb up and down a small flight of steps three times, he suggests. This exercise will provide a cocktail of relaxing in your brain chemicals, so you'll be more focused when you back sit at your desk.


stress can kill, but depression also. After studying twins with genetic predisposition to depression and heart disease, researchers from the Washington University of Saint - Louis concluded that depression - past or present - increased further the risk of developing heart disease than genetic or environmental factors. 'It is possible that the highest risk comes from inflammation that some mental disorders can cause',  explains Health and fitness Advisor, Prediman K. Shah, Director of the division of Cardiology of the Oppenheimer Research Centre on atherosclerosis (Cedars-Sinai medical center). Come in your head and you will perhaps help your heart. People who take SSRIS, a class of antidepressants, show an improvement from their bloodstream, result from a slowdown in the agglomeration of platelets, according to a study by Loyola University medical center in Chicago. 


the prescription of Statins is the golden rule to reduce cholesterol. For the people at risk of cardiovascular disease, Statins can lower the risk of heart attack by about 30%, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal. This is crucial when we begin to need to take pills. 'For patients with cholesterol levels limit, the situation is dark,' says Michael Blaha, a Johns Hopkins University cardiologist. Many doctors use a blood test that measures the C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker, to promote the final decision-making. Your body produces more CRP when there is inflammation, which can be caused by the accumulation of plaques in your arteries. And a high rate of cholesterol could be the culprit. 

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