Power Supplies to take the weight

 Power Supplies to take the weight
Achieve and maintain a healthy weight is a real problem for many people. Sometimes, the problem is caused by the difficulty not to lose but to win the necessary pounds! What may seem strange for most of us...

Some people burn calories consumed more quickly than others. One then speaks of individuals to fast metabolism. In these individuals, it may be difficult to achieve and maintain a stable weight. The speed of metabolism is related to the genetic heritage, but can be accelerated by factors such as stress, exposure to very hot or very cold temperatures, nicotine, caffeine, and the density of muscles...

Also, certain diseases or certain States have a high demand for energy on the body, which may result in weight loss. This is the case of cancer, hyperthyroidism and certain infections and severe burns. Weight loss can also be explained by malabsorption of nutrients that cause particularly ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and celiac disease.

Finally, the weight loss caused by malnutrition can occur as the result of difficult tests that reduce appetite.

It is therefore recommended a diet rich in calories to people who must take the weight. The same guidelines apply to individuals who suffer from a disease that prevents them from eating sufficient portions. Such a regime must provide, on average, 500 calories (2 000 kJ) more than normal, in order to generate a gain of weight of 500 g (1 lb) per week. Although all foods are allowed, it is preferable to maintain a balanced diet - according to the criteria of Canada's Food Guide - rather than eating more sweets or fried foods.

500 Calories: to arrive to consume more, it is necessary to: 

Power Supplies to take the weight
stimulate his appetite;
use food with well brought up energy specific gravity;
restrict food to very weak energy specific gravity;
augment provision in calories;
eat light meals;
make the physical activity of moderate intensity.
Of course, advice which follow does not constitute miracle resolutions. To earn some kilograms sometimes proves to be a difficult financial year, perhaps the same even more than to lose it!

Stimulate appetite

It is possible to put on in appetite by turning attention with small details which liven up meal. But how? Here are some knack.

Lay a nice table with the pretty dinnerware, some flowers or a candle.
If weather is nice, to take meal outside.
Put colour in the plate: the chicken is more appetizing if he is accompanied with couscous in canneberges and with broccoli that of mashed potatoes and cauliflower.
Be delighted! Eat the food which they like.
When it is possible, to take a meal in good company (friends, colleagues, members of his family) 1. The most part of people have then tendency to be more eaten.
Since to laugh stimulates appetite, he can be pointed out during meal to listen to an odd film, to read jokes or to eat with somebody who has a lot of humour.
Accompany the meal of a glass of wine every so often (consult a doctor to be sure that its health allows it).
Begin meal with a glass of sour juice, tomato or orange for instance.
Go for a walk (or another light financial year) before meal to put on in appetite.
Use food with well brought up energy specific gravity

Certain amaigrissants regimes are based on the principle of energy specific gravity to favour the satiety without augmenting provision in calories. In this context, they favour food having a weak energy specific gravity, what means a bigger quantity of food for the same number of calories.

In the opposite, with a well brought up energy specific gravity, they use more calories for a certain volume. For people who try to flesh out, food with well brought up energy specific gravity is therefore of bet. They then have to use food health by respecting recommendations of the Canadian food Guide.

The specific gravity of a food

Energy specific gravity the quantity of calories by gramme of food (callus / g). The factors who influence it are contents in water, in food grains, in carbohydrates, especially concentrated sugars, and in fats of a food. Water and grains diminish energy specific gravity, while the quantity of fats and concentrated sugars augments it. It is the quantity of water in a food which determines its energy specific gravity most.

Better choices of food with well brought up energy specific gravity (to favour)
Fruits: dried fruits, banana, mango, grapes, kiwi, cherry, canned fruit, nectar of fruits, lawyer, olive.

Vegetables: green pea, parsnip, corn, soft sweet potato, potato.

Cereal products: bread, waffle, pancake, English muffin, bread pita, craquelin, bagel, muffin, crescent, currant loaf, bread in walnuts, bread in the cheese, in olives and in the dried tomatoes, twisted, granolas grain, loving bars.

Milk and substitutes: cheese, cream, milk in chocolate, full cream milk, cream sure, dairy ice cream, frozen yoghurt, whole yoghurt in fruits, cream cheese, yoghurt of soy.

Meats and substitutes: smoked oysters, tuna in oil, salmon, mackerel, sardines, liver, thigh of chicken or turkey, beef, pork, lamb, sausage of pork or beef, walnuts, kernels, peanut butter, egg, hoummos, tartinade of tofu.

Here is an example illustrating well the energy specific gravity of a food under its dried and cool form.

Cool grapes (1 cup)
Energy specific gravity 61 callus / 97 g 0,6
Dry grapes (1 cup)
Energy specific gravity 460 callus / 153 g 3,0

Other food and dishes with well brought up energy specific gravity
Some of the food or suggested dishes contain a rather well brought up quantity of fat or sugars. A person eager to flesh out can use this food up to the attack of desired weight:

Oil, not hydrogenated margarine, vinaigrette, mayonnaise, pesto, pretzel, sticks of sesame, craquelins of rice, is crusty cooked in the oven, is crusty of corn multigrains, nachos, macaroni in the cheese, melted Parmesan, salad of carrots and grapes, salads of potatoes, fettucine Alfredo, pizza to the chicken, pizza in the smoked salmon, bagel in the smoked salmon, sandwich in eggs or in chicken with mayonnaise, cake in the cheese, cake in carrots, cookies in walnuts, cereal bars, bars of walnuts and kernels, chocolate in almonds, patty to the chicken, patty in the salmon, dessert of soy, walnuts coated with carob, grapes coated with yoghurt, whipped cream, custard, ensconced in dates, bread in bananas, bread in zucchinis, cookies Graham, cookies in sound, cookies in the peanut butter, savoury pies in apples, cake four - quarters, plain round flat cake in molasses.

Restrict food to very weak energy specific gravity

Food with very weak energy specific gravity takes a lot of place in the plate and in the stomach. They attain therefore faster the satiety by using them and they eat less. Although it is in general food of very good quality, they should eat it less often when they wish a weighty benefit.

Sparsely populated food energy (to consume in moderation)
Fruits and cool vegetables, skim milk, soup, yoghurt without fat nor sugar, cheese cottage, white fish (sole, turbot, cod, goberge, tuna in water), chest of chicken or turkey without the skin, vinaigrette without fat, mayonnaise without fat, vinegar, salsa.

Use fruits and vegetables at the end of meal rather than at the beginning.
Use the cooked vegetables and restrict salads and raw vegetables.
Favour soups to soups in vegetables.
Avoid drinking a lot by eating.
To avoid tea and coffee between meals, they can reduce appetite.
Augment provision in calories

Abounding meals draw away weighty catch of course. But, they can also add certain ingredients to his meals with high content of calories – moreover with a good energy specific gravity.

Add a fatty substance on food each time it is possible: some butter, some not hydrogenated margarine or, even better, some oil (olive or canola) on vegetables, pasta, rice, potatoes, fowl, fish, bread.
Serve meats, fowl and fish with a fatty sauce.
Add lawyers, olives, walnuts and cheese in salads.
Add walnuts and fruits dried in grain and muffins.
Dredge some cheese rasped on pasta, vegetables, soups and soups.
Beat an egg in the macaroni in the cheese or in the soup.
Buy some full cream milk rather than some milk partly skimmed off.
Add some powdered milk in soups, milk, hit milk and desserts in the milk.
Add some molasses, the maple syrup or the honey in hot grain.
Add some natural whipped cream or some dairy ice cream on cool fruits.
Add of the powder of cacao sweetened in the hot milk.
Drink some juice, some milk or some hit milk rather than some weak drinks in calories as tea, coffee, bouillon or drinks light diet.
Eat light meals

By numerous snack, used in the course of the day, augment the catch of calories. They can choose a light meal of 500 calories, or 2 - 3 smaller light meals. Act progressively to leave the time in the stomach to get used.

Light meals of 500 calories

Three dried dates and 125 ml (1/2 cup) of walnut.
50 g of cheese to cheddar, 4 craquelins in the wheat and 60 ml (1/4 cup) of almonds roasted in oil
1 muffin sound and grapes, a glass (250 ml) of enriched drink of soy and 60 ml (1/4 cup) of walnut
A bowl of grain of type Mueslix (250 ml) with 250 ml (1 cup) of full cream milk.
A sandwich to the chicken and to the Swiss cheese with some mayonnaise.
A bagel in the kernels of sesame and 60 ml (4 c. in soup) of regular cream cheese.
A muffin health and an energy drink (250 ml of drink of vanilla soy, 15 ml of oil of olive, 10 almonds, 125 ml of strawberries, 15 ml of molasses)
Light meals of 250 calories

50 g (1/3 cup) of mixture of dried fruits and various walnuts.
A sandwich in the peanut butter.
175 g of yoghurt in fruits in 4 % of fat and a handle of dry grapes.
¾ crams (185 ml) of vanilla pudding prepared with some full cream milk.
250 ml (1 cup) of milk hit in chocolate.
250 ml (1 cup) of full cream milk or drink of soy (vanilla or chocolate) and a cookie in the peanut butter.
Quickly made drink: to add 3 c. to table (45 ml) of skim milk drifts with it in 1 cup (250 ml) of full cream milk.
Nutritious drink bought in chemist's shop (eg: Boost, Ensure).
Make moderate physical activity

Moderate physical activity is one of the best means to stimulate appetite, even if it makes burn calories. It is important to play regularly an activity which solicits all muscles (swimming, volleyball, cross-country skiing, etc) to support the specific gravity of muscles and bones - and health in general. Otherwise, weighty catch risks being only made in bold.


Occasionally use nutritional supplements (Boost, Ensure, or Carnation Instant Breakfast, etc.).
Do not use foods that are labeled 'light', 'reduced in calories' or 'low in calories'.
Programming a timer that recalls the time to eat and not to exceed more than 3 hours between each meal or snack.
Keep on hand a bottle of olive oil, nuts, dried fruits to often add to their meals and snacks.
Sprinkle with hemp seeds on vegetables, potatoes, pasta, yogurts and cereals.

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