How to lose your belly?

Forming in your top, obliged to unbutton your pants after a meal? Argh! Will have to do to feel better. Centre of the body and cradle of emotions, the belly is one of our the most sensitive zones. Some people say even that the second cerebrum of the body would be guts! It is to say. Manhandled, the belly fills, stock grease, loosen. Then how to lose your belly? Here are our advice to reach easily there and show a size of wasp.

1-Deflate Me this belly!

Shelter of the digestive system, stomach reflects any intestinal problem. Fermentation, soft drinks, air swallowed when eating, constipation... but also shot of stress or emotion to live: the belly becomes painful and swells.


- Take time to eat
Taken standing in noise, a quickly swallowed sandwich favours the ingestion of air and decelerates digestion. Eat in peace, sat at table, during at least 20 min, and chew every blocking well.

- Dose grains
They find them in full grain, fruits and vegetables, and certainly legumes (lenses, mean peas, beans coke etc) are necessary to a good transit. But attention, to link them with alkaline food, because only and too big quantities (more than 30 g a day about; an apple contains 5 g about to give you an idea), they can irritate guts and favour ballonnements.

- Bet on the good vegetables
They digest well, drain organism and make easier elimination. Mollo nevertheless on the "starchy" (pulses notably), not much recommended in stomachs and fragile guts.

- Do not forget proteins
Meats half notes, fish and eggs allow to fill up with energy and with proteins without fermenting, nor augmenting the volume in the stomach. But attention in sauces and in animal fats, difficult to digest.

- Favour the cooking
By changing the structure of food, baking makes easier masticating, digestion and assimilation.

- Salt mildly
The excess of salt favours the retention of water at the level of the belly. Try before to ressaler and restrict the consumption of industrial products.

- Exile nibbling
In every new even trifling, food catch, digestive saps start and the digestive tract, unsettled, leaves again for a turn. A light meal, ok, but at the fixed hour.

- Treat on your digestive tract
Difficulties in digesting? Gone for a course of treatment in a spa of probiotiques (discovered easily in chemist's shop).
From difficulties in eliminating? Gone for a course of treatment in a spa of prunes and figs in the morning during some days (by taking into account that they bring a lot of quick sugars), otherwise made by high-fibre vegetarian meals in the evening.

- Breathe
A good ventral breathing helps to dispel toxins of organism. Having lengthened on the back, a hand with dish on the taken in belly, send air to the end of shoulders, make it take down in scapulas, the rib cage then the diaphragm, and return air in inverse sense.

2-Stalk bourrelets
When they eat too much and badly, grease piles up around size. You how wonder lose of the belly?
- Move
To eliminate the grease located around size, it is necessary to scoop out from its reservations. Resolution? A regular practice (3 times a week) and rather long (at least 30 min) of sports of endurance (running, quick step, swimming, bike, aerobics, fitness). And of the step the most possible for daily itineraries.

- Really restrict sugars
Quick sugars (cakes, bonbons, soda, very sweet fruits) and the refined carbohydrates favour peaks of insulin in blood which cause their stocking in form of grease at the level of size.
Favour not transformed carbohydrates (grain, rices, pasta, quinoa full) and watch doses (not in the evening).

- Review your energy provisions
When they use more calories which they burn with it, out of necessity they stock. To some, it is in backside and in thighs, to others in belly: question of morphology and heredity. If such is your case, envisage a small regime.

- Crèmez-vous Crèmez-vous
Certain creams slimness, rich in reducing stocks and draining assets, are specifically worked out to struggle against abdominal embonpoint. Apply them in the morning and evening, and perform a soft rubbing-out from time to time.

- Mass
First clockwise slowly and by supporting lightly. Then by pinching the skin, by taking it off and by making it roll (palpate run).

3-Finally, invigorate your belly!
Firstly, they are often too sedentary.
Secondly, they have more and more tendency to be badly held.
Sat, they subside and writhe. Follow abdominal slackening, seesaw of the basin forward and is short of muscular tone. This gives a soft and eminent belly, and back pain in bonus.

- Be held right
The belly is linked to the back, to the scapulaire belt (scapulas, clavicles, sternum) and in the basin. As often as possible, think of gripping abdominal muscles and straightening.

- Do sports which refine size
That is to say: climbing, physical education, sports of battle, dance, badminton, oarsman.

- Made by abdos
It is basic, but this really walks. At the rate of 5 min every morning and by thinking of contracting the belly always during financial years, you make your flat and tonic belly.
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