Discover why you do not succeed in losing weight

Discover why you do not succeed in losing weight
It is possible that you make a lot of regimes, consult a nutritionist or played different types of financial years, without ever attaining the results for which you hoped. You wonder certainly why you do not succeed in losing the weight, to what is owed this phenomenon and especially how to overturn situation. Read without waiting more for this article to discover it.

The reason of this problem of weight loss can be genetic, or simply owed to certain poor habits, or even in hormones which prevent from losing weight. It is the instant to find a resolution to stop following regimes and routines of financial years which are of use for nothing, that frustrate you, depress you, get angry you and worry you.

Identify problem

Before any thing, you must establish so yes or not you indeed have a problem. Assess your personal characteristics to know better your metabolism, and how what kills your efforts in the egg. Good manners to make it is to answer a small very simple questionnaire:

           * Is it difficult for you to lose weight, in spite of regimes and of the regular financial year?
           * Do you use medicaments as THS, antidepressants, antidiabetics, stéroïdes or antiepileptics?
           * Did you newly test a poor memory of the intolerance in cold or in brusque changes of temperature, constipation, a dry or pale skin, of fine hair or difficulties in concentrating you?
Discover why you do not succeed in losing weight
            * When you measure your size at the level of the groin, your turn it is superior to 88 cm (if you are a woman) or in 98 cm (if you are a man)?
            * You have one of these pathologies: high blood pressure, rate of well brought up sugar in blood, level of triglycérides superior in normal?
           *  Do you collect more grease or mass in your hips and your thighs?
           *  Did you test changes in your frame of mind, menstruations irregular, of feelings in the chest, an extreme sweating or genital dryness?

If you replied in the affirmative in more than two answers, it is probable that you have more difficulties in losing weight than majority of the persons.

Analyse the reasons which prevent you from losing weight

Medicaments about which we spoke can favour a weighty catch, or prevent that you lose weight, in spite of financial years or regimes which you make. Consult a specialized doctor who will point out to to you an alternative treatment for instance.

On the other hand, you must take into account a possible dysfunction of your thyroid gland. Many persons realize that they suffer from problems which touch this gland and that prevent them from losing weight (either that they lose it too much without making anything).

If your thyroid is unbalanced, it is possible that you experimentiez other symptoms such as intolerance to cold, fatigue, constipation, the fine hair, the bad memory. If you suspect that this might be the cause of your difficulty to lose weight, or if there are similar history in your family, made a check-up routine (blood test including) to know more in depth the situation.
Discover why you do not succeed in losing weight
There is also a pathology called metabolic, very frequent syndrome at the human being, who interferes with the capacity of our body to ameliorate and to change the levels of sugar in our blood, what draws away a stocking of grease more important than normal.

And it is not the only symptom to be taken into account, if you have some grease which piles up at the level of the belly, or in quite other party of your body, and if your triglycérides has an abnormally well brought up level, you can suffer from this problem. Say that a poor feeding, a too big settlement, the consumption of alcohol or cigarettes can aggravate situation.

One of the questions of the small test been exclusively reserved for the women. It is owed by the way that there is a problem which affects only the women, and that is in link with their levels of oestrogens. If you take the pill or that you follow a substitute hormonal therapy, it is possible that your body produces more oestrogens than ordinarily and that it draws away the accumulation of grease in your hips, and in your thighs.

Other symptoms are the following: changes of frame of mind, extreme sweating, vaginal dryness and feelings augmented by breast. Consult a gynaecologist in case of doubt. You look also attentively in the mirror to see if your body in a form of pear, that is to say if you are finer of twisted and broader of the reeds. This can be good one indicator of a too important production of oestrogens which prevents you from losing weight of this part of the body.

In every problem its resolution

Once you determined the reason for which you cannot lose of weight, it is time to set up a plan of action to put right this situation.

For the problems of thyroid gland

Besides following a medicinal treatment (prescribed by your doctor), it is important to diminish your calorie intake, to eat more grains, to avoid the refined and transformed food, to opt for thin meats, to use food rich in iodin, to augment your physical activity and finally, to control your stress.

For the metabolic syndrome

Diminish your ingestion of refined or transformed products, eat more grains, made half an hour of physical financial year a day (from Monday till Friday), stop smoking, control your alcohol consumption, reduce your stress and take medicine prescribed by your doctor. Control regularly your arterial pressure as well as your levels of triglycérides, cholesterol and sugar in blood.

For the well brought up production of oestrogens

Augment your consumption of grains, use more soya and his (organic) diverting, ingest a natural multivitaminé every day, made by financial years moderate or difficult aerobics at least twice a week, that you can supplement by sessions of dumbbells to invigorate your muscles.
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