Criteria of beauty of a muscular body

 In our current societies, the body is no longer one that is hidden, but it reveals.  It is very likely that you read articles of this blog hoping to learn to turn your body into a wonder of beauty. There are a lot of elements that will play in your favor or not, but we will pay attention today is balance, proportion and harmony between your muscles. Think you know everything? Take a look!

1 - The turn of size:

The turn of size is the key zone of your body. It is the zone of revelations: you can have huge arms, broad shoulders, but it is indeed in the turn of size that they consider your state of form. To know if anybody has a rate of comparatively weak fat, for what do you ask him? To raise the T-shirt simply.

Size is enough at first sight to the turn to draw an approximation: if your abdos is not visible you are 'fatty ', if they guess them you are 'medium ', and if they skip you literally in the face you are dry.

Size is the zone of transition between your top and bottom of body. If you do not take time of the entrainer properly it will ruin absolutely your physical appearance, neither more nor less!

What criteria to keep? A fine turn of size bring to light form in 'V ' of your back seen from face, be going to give a broader aspect to your arms and to your thighs.

In view of contour, the more your abdomen will be fine, the more your rib cage will be emphasized as well as your pectoral muscles. Contrariwise, a 'slack ' belly forward will ruin your physical appearance in less than two.

The more your rate of fat will be low, the more your abdominal muscles will come out again. The job of abdominal muscles will not so much make them, or them 'draw ' 'take out again ' as some people think of it, but will especially play to give him energy: refine your size and take in your belly (even if you are fatty). Do not hesitate to read this article if it is not already made!

Attention however not to be fooled financial years for abdominal muscles because by developing muscles of them too much: those ci are going to magnify and enlarge your tower of size. Purpose is especially to try to invigorate them.

2 - 2 - The width of the shoulders: 

The width of the shoulders with waist is the two bases of your physical. The physics of ordinary people is enough 'flat': a low shoulder ride combined with a waist size relatively wide.

Result is generally a 'lanky' aspect if you are big, or else an aspect 'brick of milk' If you are small. If on the contrary you have the chance to have a fine pool and broad shoulders, they say you have a ' V' physics: the aesthetic ideal. And don't worry, nothing is frozen!

There are therefore two ways to proceed: refine his waist size (up to a point, for example if you have a large basin that will be harder), or expand his shoulders (idem, if you short clavicles this will be more problematic). We've seen how to refine his waist size, now let's see how to expand his shoulders.

To 'expand' shoulders, you primarily work your deltoid and more specifically the lateral bundle. So this will not be your frame that will determine your shoulder width apart, but your deltoid muscles which will extend it in magnifying.

Another tip is also greatly expand the external beam of the triceps (see the 'ball' on the outside of the arm, just below the shoulders). This muscle hand outward him also magnifying, and exceed your width of shoulders at a certain level. You will appear again wider than if you only focus on the shoulders.

To give the illusion of having broader shoulders: work the deltoid muscle (especially the lateral bundle) and triceps (especially Vastus lateralis)
3 - The thickness of the torso:

Unless wanting to resemble a code blocks seen from contour, it is also going to be necessary to work the thickness of your torso! And yes, we live in the world in 3 dimensions! The most part of people trust what returns them their mirror but forget that they see them even more often from contour and posterior.

The thickness of your torso is especially carried forward by the size of your rib cage and that of your pectoral muscles. The more you will have a big rib cage more you will have the chance of paraitre thick, and the more your pecs will be more developed they will extend it.

Also note that your position has an influence on the returning a lot (Read the advice 6 of this article). Do not neglect the financial years of stretching exercise as the Pullover for your rib cage.

Now let us pass to the thickness on the other side of your torso. It is in most cases owed to your back, trapeziums, later deltoids and in your lumbar muscles. The best financial years to be in charge of it are all movements as the rowing blocks, printing in the low pulley, and secondarily the raising of earth.

Why? Because they recruit your muscles chest-expanders of the rachis (lumbars etc) to struggle against resistance especially since you are tilted forward, especially since you have a movement of printing, and of your shoulders towards the back. You work all muscles named before in a financial year!

A thick torso will refine your turn of size seen from contour. However if you fool exbones which work it you risk to thicken your tower of size by developing muscles too much of your abdominal muscles.

4 - Thighs:

Your thighs have to be perfectly in harmony with the top of your body. If you have a top of very muscular body, your thighs have to be at the height, otherwise you will be taken surely for a fool, a faignant, a loser, or all that you want!

Thighs too much developed muscles in comparison with your top of body are going to give the impression that it is less developed than he is him, and be so going to 'taint ' your efforts.

Note that thighs also can give the phantasm of a finer turn of size if your shoulders are broad and 'V ' of your back follow. Your abdomen will seem finer compared with bigger elements around him. Seen from face, it is especially adducteurs and quadrivine stocks that give of the relief in the thigh.

Of contour, it is more the sciatic which mark separation distinctly high with lower bodies / lower limb, but also ischios.

Certainly, your calves will also have to counterbalance. It is in general the group the most difficult to develop muscles for those who have babies of it of nature, while to some it is so much developed that they have to surdoser the entrainement of the thighs to balance them!

To say plainly, calves are even practically more important than thighs simply because the shorts are going to display them while hiding your thighs. You try unsuccessfully to have splendid thighs, if you carry shorts they will not see them more while your small calves will be blindingly obvious of everybody!

As you understands it, each of your entrainements must allow you to enlarge his shoulders, refine his turn of size, thicken its torso and balance the thighs with the top of the body! Now that you have guidelines to go up to perfection, you know what to make afterwards!
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